Norton 360 for Gamers / Game Optimizer / Dark Web Monitoring
Состояние: Новый
Бренд: Norton
Модель: Norton For gamers 360
OS: Windows 10/11
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თქვენს წინაშეა ანტივირუსი Norton 360 for Gamers გეიმერებისთვის, უფასო VPN, თამაშის ოპტიმიზაციის უტილიტები, პაროლების შემნახველი პრიგრამა და სხვა ბევრი საინტერესო ფუნქციები, ყიდვის შემდეგ გადმოგეცემათ Norton 360 for Gamers-ის ლიცენზირებული გასაღები, 1 წლიანი ლიცენზიაა, ერთი წლის შემდეგ ხელახლა უნდა იყიდოთ.
სრული მახასიათებელი იხილეთ ქვევით მოცემულ სურათზედ
ჩვენთან ნოუთბუქის ყიდვის შემდთხვევაში გადმოგეცემათ უფასოდ
Dark Web Monitoring:
Monitors the dark web for any compromised gamer tags and personal information. This is a proactive measure to alert users if their credentials or personal data are found in places they shouldn’t be.
Game Optimizer:
Enhances the gaming experience by optimizing system settings for gaming performance. This might involve resource allocation, network prioritization, and other tweaks to ensure smoother gameplay.
Notification Optimization:
Customizes and optimizes notifications to minimize interruptions during gaming sessions. This ensures that important alerts are received while avoiding unnecessary distractions.
Secure VPN:
Provides a secure Virtual Private Network (VPN) for protecting online activities, including gaming, by encrypting data and ensuring anonymity. This is especially important for maintaining privacy and security in online gaming.
Real-time Threat Protection:
Offers continuous, real-time protection against various cyber threats, including viruses, malware, and phishing attempts. This is a crucial feature for safeguarding both gaming and general computing activities.
PC SafeCam:
Protects the user’s privacy by monitoring and controlling access to the PC’s webcam. This prevents unauthorized access and potential misuse of the camera.
Smart Firewall for PC:
Manages and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic, providing an additional layer of security against unauthorized access and potential cyber threats.
Password Manager:
Safely stores and manages passwords, reducing the risk of using weak or easily compromised passwords. It can also assist in generating strong and unique passwords for various accounts.
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