3DMark Advanced Steam (Test + Benchmark GPU and CPU Performance)
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თქვენს წინაშეა პროგრამა, რომელიც ტესტავს ნოუთბუქს, სტრესს ტესტი ნოუთბუქისთვის, ამ პროგრამით შესაძლებელია შევამოწმოთ აქვს თუ არა ნოუთბუქს ქარხნული დეფექტები, ყიდვის შემდეგ გადმოგეცემათ გასაღები რომლის მეშვეობით გააქტიურებთ სტიმის პროგრამაში
After purchase, you will receive a licensed key for Steam and it will be activated in STEAM
1 Download Steam steampowered.com
2 Select “Game” on the menu, select “Activate a Product on Steam”
3 Follow the process, and insert the Activation code you get.
4 You will find your game at Steam Library game list
5 Download the game, and you are ready to play.
6 If you experience a technical problem, we kindly ask you to review the Terms and Conditions of this offer before contacting Steam Support to the following address: https://help.steampowered.com/
The latest version of the world’s most popular benchmark
Everything you need to test your PC, notebook, tablet and smartphone in one app
3DMark recommends the best benchmark for your system
Compare your 3DMark scores with other Windows, Android and iOS devices
When to use 3DMark
For benchmarking gaming performance
For testing Windows
For benchmarking PCs, tablets and smartphones
To test DirectX 12, DirectX 11, and DirectX 10
To test OpenGL ES 3.1, 3.0 & 2.0 performance
To test overclocking performance and stability
To burn-in and stress test upgraded components
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